more words from Heschel

I am re-reading Heschel's book on the Sabbath. I am finding the second time around to be even more saturating. Maybe I am starting to "get it." What ever there is to be "gotten!" This morning I am reflecting on these quotes:

"Observance of the seventh day is more than a technique of fulfilling a commandment. The Sabbath is the presence of God in the world, open to the soul of man. It is possible for the soul to respond in affection, to enter into fellowship with the consecrated day."

"When we celebrate the Sabbath we adore precisely something we do not see."

I am still walking through the meaning of Sabbath...I fear that all I have learned/experienced the last few months will be forgotten. I don't want what I am experiencing now to be a fad or trend...I know there is more, but the gravity of distraction is powerful at times. Remember the Sabbath to sanctify it (Exodus 20:8).


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